taking a break
Yep, I know it's been awhile since I even posted here - apologies
But now I need to take a break
- various reasons
including NZ is moving to a new system that is apparently going to be the best way forward due to Delta/Covid - and I'm not ready for it.
I don't where I'm going with my art, made a lot - but need to work through that
I'm still have "meltdowns" caused by seemingly minor irritations and that means I have to rethink regular life a little more
And just stuff...needs action but I'm not sure what...
Seeing in the future
Cheers Catherine
maybe you just need some totally ME time! xo
Still working on life, learning what can cause a meltdown - understanding how to overcome them, like it "do nothing" asap...
One of the things was some well meaning people here, suggested "keep busy" but actually in a way that's not the right thing - i.e. "learning"