Not quite back, heres most of a new book

 It has a theme relating to a dude named Thomas but I've not constructed his story yet.

There should be 27 photos but blogger and my phone don't always cooperate...missing the middle page of the signature, will try and load it now. The cover is basically just coffee dyed canvas. 

Over at my word press blog only 1/2 of pages have been loaded.

I've had some tough times with my health recently, lost my creative mojo. But now with some tweaks hoping to do more art!

Let's have 2022 kick off a positive reawakening 


Some pages were not even photographed because they were basically blank. Sorry about any blurred, I have a hand disability
Ann said…
Very nice. I love the vintage feel of this.
I'm hoping to jump start my creative mojo here. I haven't been able to get myself to do anything.
Anonymous said…
this is one of the most interesting and beautiful pieces you've done. it has real depth. have you named it yet?
I feel like 2022 is going to be a Wonderful year!

thanks I love creating the vintage look - some of course from my own crafting of using coffee to dye paper and of course the cover which is a canvas painting pad. And I'm hoping that instead of creating piles of scrap bits, that I too will start letting my mojo come back.

No name yet - I'm still trying to decide what Thomas was doing when he created his memoir back in the 1940s... I think it might have something to do with "wood" - then there are the offspring and his wife, who doesn't have a name either (yet).
Yes here's hoping I will finally get some empty boxes of stuff...LOL
Susan Lenz said…
Greetings from South Carolina!

I wanted to answer the question you posted on my blog but really don't have another way to reach you except here on your blog. An email address probably would have been better but I don't have one for you. Anyway, all of the pieces in my solo show, "Anonymous Ancestors", do have inventory numbers and a price written on the reverse side. Yet, I don't have solo installations like this with any delusion about selling anything at all. Sales are nice and I do make plenty of artwork with the intention of selling it ... but that's not my approach with this installation. I look for opportunities like this because I want to share the work, the concept, and have hope that others will walk away with deep thoughts and some sort of plan for their own family photos and precious possessions. For me, installation artwork is for creating a unique environment, an experience for viewers, and a way to communicate. It isn't about sales at all. I've mounted this show at least six or seven times and have never sold anything from it. Susan
thanks Susan

okay now I get your art practice in this genre - and yes an installation is definitely not always a sales pitch. And as you've said "gives people the idea of what they could do with personal artifacts".

I guess if you have the room to store your installations and then when the opportunity arises, take them to the gallery and the viewer.

And I know you do have a sale outlet with your other interesting mandalas to name but one type of art you make.
CHERI said…
First of all, thanks so much for dropping by my blog:) And I sure do understand about losing your mojo due to health issues. That was me for most of last year!!! Thankfully, I'm much better now and am trying to get back to creating some things. I'm not artist like you, but I do like to play around:)

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