Creating a gift for a friend who would like some "green and blue with a touch of gold"

The signatures are in but still need to decorate and embellish 

using an invisible spine but this is the front inside cover and the first page of signature #1
L: hand painted by me, hard to see but there is splashes of gold R: scrapbooking paper 

Centre of the first signature - print of hand painted paper by me 

between the signatures, a little oopsie with one of the signatures so a piece of washi tape added 
and this is the first page of the 2nd signature which is randomly inked  (it's purple toned)

Centre of that signature - this is a photo of a large piece of my handwoven fabric which I've printed

The back inside cover with the last signature 

Nothing else to see, but the time has come to begin decorating...

I may not have much done but that's okay

I'm currently working on personal and health, said "health is a lot better" but it's a mission to keep on top of it all... 



Ann said…
Very nice. I love all the colors.
its good to see you pop up here and to know your health is improving. beautiful book you are creating
Ann, thanks - yes I like the colours as well

Sandra, thanks and yes health is improving which is great and I'm liking to getting back into projects again. Slowly as truly no rush.
Anonymous said…
those are lovely pages. my favorite colors I think. they make me feel cool and refreshed anyway.
you seem to be doing wonderfully with your health issues! KUDOS to you! xo
CheerfulMonk said…
I’m so glad the health issues are going well. And as I’ve said, those are my favorite colors.
Jean, Yes I'm liking the improvement - but whenever I try to slip some food stuff in that I'm sure will be okay, the elephant reappears. Not serious but makes me realise I've got to concentrate a little more. That's doable but I miss some treats...

Those type of colours remind me of prisms with light shining through, that give them a jewel like appearance.

Hoping to start on embellishments tomorrow...

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