More Miniature Crumb Quilts
All of these are in the "maybe finished" pile - very few of them have any title and none are signed or dated. But I'm still enjoying the process and I've been adding some cloth or similar here and there. Just what is at hand, has been created before and so forth.
I don't think Blogger likes me much - but if there aren't about 15 - then probably they are lost in the mists of time.
I found an interesting idea as I want basically to list these are a series starting with something like 001 and carrying on
Flawsome - adj
Embrace the "Flaws" and know they are awesome regardless
Sandra, I too love my new found word. And I'm considering using it has the title of the works - so it might be Flawsome Series #001 .... #020 ... #100...
Even though only a handful of people will nit-pick when they see them up close, it will stop them in their tracks...