Making progress towards to being an artist again

 But on saying that (in the title) it's a slow process and one that hasn't truly gone into real mode yet. 

Late last week, a conversation arose on a groups' f/b platform about "what's in your sketchbook?" and before I knew it my thoughts were flowing onto the screen about how I can't draw. And as that progressed that I can "draw" but not what my mind wishes to have on the page. 

That's to do with my disabled hands which rarely allow a straight line to evolve. Like when I'm wanting a "circle" and the other curve goes into "wobble" mode OR a hand stitched line moves "off the edge" and there you have it a "wobbly line" 

Somehow Cas Holmes, got into the conversation and it was nice comments about what was drawing and what else could be in a sketchbook. Yes the words, I've used over the years but not to a point of it becoming a handwritten book! 

Come Friday night, and the live chat at Fibre Arts f/b community and Ang is interviewing Cas H, live! 

Yes we talked about my disabled hands but I didn't "inform them what it was about them" then - until today I thought I should. So I set up a new discussion on how/why/when those precious hands of mine work or not work...

I added a "drawing" - this one...

Abstract Leaves with a lot of colourful character!

I wrote that yes I can draw shapes but what I can't do is define them, so that no line wobbles off in a different direction. Or that I cannot put in the fine lines, so I adjust it all so that it's completely off edge. 

And these have those colours - old crayons and some pastel oil sticks because there just happens to be a bag of them nearby...and may as well use all the colours! 

The L side "peep of" is do with yesterdays' quick sketch, which went completely wrong but that's okay - it's pretty darn brightly coloured in.

These are no in that sketchbook underneath - rather on p/copy paper as I wasn't thinking of keeping them as even with fixative it's hard to stop the smudging. The sketchbook underneath is having a revamp - gesso to the pages so I can start again, long story why...

Back to the facebook chat about my drawing - lots of encouragement and some other ideas including "what about machine embroidery" - ummmmmm might have a think about that. 

I finally added and I will here as well, why my "hands are disabled" 

"I was born with these silly hands - both hands are affected: benign essential tremor, no thumb muscle bed, issues with wrists and then longer arms (sometimes longer than the male arm) so the forearm is longer than the shoulder to elbow" - the strength mode is probably the worse aspect - but over the numerous decades I've learnt to live with them...

Besides learning to live with them, is the length - you can always tell when I'm wearing a man's upper garment - the cuff will reach my wrist and just occasionally I can turn the cuff over! Although on saying that sometime in the 1980s the fashion long sleeved garment for women was that you could wear a sleeve that went right over your hand, I've 2 garments from that era...

And yes one time I was going to wear a winter mens' sweater that was charcoal - was like diamonds, but decided not to....and there was K/nice man; with the exact same sweater on! 

Catherine, in winter-land, New Zealand...and I still have that sweater but it's homeware only - patched! 


Anonymous said…
in reading this I am excited and happy for you!
this has been a rough year for all of us in the pandemic.
and as an artist you have handled it well it seems.
having a supply of materials has helped I'm sure! you're an ARTIST!
I inherited benign essential tremor from my Gram.
(my mother's mother) and it's in my right hand. onset about 5 yrs ago.
I have to watch or I will sling the food right off the fork!
it is what it is. and it could be worse. I at least Have a hand! :D xo
I think Tammy is right, she closed with at least I have a hand. I can tell you that i can't draw what you drew here and I have no tremors. you have the talent but the tremors make it hard. I have no tremors but also no talent. that said, i know it must be totally frustrating to not be able to make it look like what is in your head.
Ann said…
I had the same thoughts that Sandra did. I have no tremors but I have no talent for drawing. Perhaps the things you draw are not as you had intended but they are your own unique works of art.
Anne L said…
It sounds like a good, supportive group, Catherine, who have given you suggestions on ways to do use your sketchbook. I agree with Tammie ~ you are an artist!
Thanks everyone

Maybe I should not talk and use the word "drawing" - rather as Ramana pointed out on my other blog, "doodling" - although that to me means "scribbling with no apparent end intention. When actually my "intention" is supposed to be there, but it never works like that...

I decided to just keep using the oil pastels and crayons as they are not truly easy to work with. The old crayons are thick and the other thinner but kind of greasy...

In fact I have a lot of coloured "pens/sticks" of other medium that were stored for that perfect day, or actually TOO GOOD TO BIN. I think I should use them up..

At the end of this week, I will post what I've "done" - today something similar but not!

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