Changes: from Maker to Artist

 I've finally made a decision about my future art-making.

And that is to drop "the maker" and become just "Catherine" within the genre of Mixed Media Artist. 

Furthermore, for the time being, I'm dropping out of making hand made books although a knowledgeable art mentor did come up with an idea for them. But that's too hard at the moment to get my head around things. 

Now instead of loading some nice photos of what I might be going to do, here. My new phone has thrown a wobbly on what it "can't do with downloading photos from it" so I'm sending you across to my other blog

(I made that post via my phone but I'm not sure I want to use blogger app on it at this point)

Catherine, who apparently lives in the top liveable city, Auckland - according to the Economist 


have no idea why blogger squished it all together...
Ann said…
Whatever you choose to do I will enjoy reading your blog posts.
I use the blogger app on my phone to write my drafts but then I go to my desktop to do the final editing and schedule them
Well it looks like blogger did spread the paragraphs out..

I may well use the app but I'm still getting to grips with the new phone...
And thanks, about reading my posts - probably going to be a fair amount now, as I wend my way on this change...

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