Summer Gallery - Postponed

 apologies friends - a bit of a set back with my health - which doesn't alter the fact, I'm home bound - but it put paid to "concentration" with doing anything art-wise.

I'm making progress with things but not with the "home gallery" - and not much is truly underway on work table, although it's cluttered with scraps of paper. And some collage cards are by the sewing machine.

be back soon...


Ann said…
Hope all is well soon and you can get back to creating
Anonymous said…
be well dear friend. we'll be right here when you get back.
Ann, thanks - making headway - but somehow there are a lot of non-art things to be tidied up; much to do with my personal life.

tammy, thanks - I'm considering making some rather personal memories - like in sort out childhood photos and recreate them into portable books...and decide which I don't want and put them with general art supplies.
CheerfulMonk said…
Get well and take it easy. It will all get done in the fullness of time...if it's meant to be.
Jean, yep I'm doing a lot of that "easy stuff" and although I'm doing a lot of ripping/gluing paper to other paper - it's kind of a mindless occupation - that just connects me back to my crafting.

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