Catherine's Summer Gallery (1)

 Over this coming summer, I'm probably not going to get out of the house much, so I've decided it's time to air some of my "art_making" and have an evolving gallery here!

It won't be like a top-end gallery with labels and stuff like that - but I'm going to try and have it in a theme - mostly colour types. Nor are my walls like ones' own home, as I'm not supposed to hammer nails in or make permanent hanging spaces. Plus everything has to live within what is living and workshop space. 

Here are the first two areas that have something happening - I'm new at this - so please be gentle:

Assemblage made with knitted i-cord and woven fabric buds (2018) with back ground photo I took of nearly dead flowers at Domain glasshouses - mounted and then slightly sprayed with grey paint to give even more dead look (2018)

Theme: Autumn tones 
(with a row of supplies under on a 4 row shelf) Assemblages made 2018, Top R also created 2018, the other 3 created 2020. 

Theme: Some Black

Top Left - Right: layered collage with spray painted PI mat, and painted mess (2018); PI mat not painted with layers of collage (2018); scrap collage (2020); layered collage various objects inside wrapping (2018); scrap collages x 2 (2020)

On it's own middle: layered collage (2020)

Bottom Shelf - Left to Right: one of the covered vessels, there total x 4, then spray painted black gloss with lid (started 2018 finished 2020; mini collage experiment (2013); cigar box made to stay open, embellished with oddments and spray painted with black gloss (2018)


PLEASE REMEMBER - I have a benign essential tremor and no thumb muscles - so my handling of the smart phone and the angle means "many wobbles" 


thanks Kyla - I'm really enjoying just looking at "objects about me" - already thinking about what the next "shelf exhibit" will look like but need to collect from "display modules" - read create some things...
Cathy said…
You tell us all about what you’re making and we say...great...lovely....but it’s not until we see them all together (or displayed separately)like this - do we realise how versatile you really are
Thanks Cathy.....looking forward to seeing more
Ann said…
I think everything looks absolutely wonderful.
Good to see such good work here after a long time.
Cathy: thanks - I've checkered making history especially since going to art school from around 2013 (some years missed out) - having nothing like say a pottery kiln or a woodworking lathe or proper jewelry tools have had to make do - often with a range of glues! I don't seem to have anything on display at the moment that is truly a piece of handwoven cloth - although the buds that on the wires are pieces of said fabric cut up...the other yarn items are nearly all "knitted i-cord on wire)

Ann: thanks

Ramana: yes indeed...nothing "new made or finished" right now but that's okay...
CheerfulMonk said…
Again, I'm so glad you're doing this.
Anonymous said…
this is a beautiful idea.
your own Gallery de Catherine.
I love it.
and I've never seen 'dead flowers' look so lovely!
Jean: yes, it's a nice idea and it has made me "re-look" at items made - a few of which need to "kind of mending attn"

tammy: sure Gallery de Catherine works for me - considering my surname is "de Seton" - re: dead flowers - you have to capture just as they are turning, these were photographed after a huge display of "mums" in the domain green houses...

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