More creating backgrounds and learning...


same but different, these unknown leaves, found on my walk - easy to tear from the branches. So this is my new Gelli Plate 

When you take a leaf off a Gelli Plate it's nicely coloured and fleshy. The one on right is below in Yellow/gold tones

And this also is a print like above the fern fronds on a coffee dyed paper

Left is a "ghost print" from the plate with extra dabbing...above that small brown bag has a wet but painted leaf print on it...rather faint

This leaf picked up when I was on my way to visit my niece in Devonport ...result grungy! The paper is odd a gift from someone...

print with various leaves including a new minted grapevine leaf, sorry Mr Grapevine...

This was print #1 - part of a fern frond from my garden 

Really can't remember if it's from the plate or afterwards but small leaves, again from tree that lives next door but like to "hang out here" 

Yes I'm learning how to use a Gelli Plate. Yesterday decided that I needed better paints so off to the Art Store where I was VERY, VERY GOOD and only bought 7 tubes of paint...Now I have 10! So I should have no excuses...

I know there are many ideas on what to do with said Plate and I'm looking forward to doing more

But I also have other things to do...

Finishing with something from the Past

Long Bay Beach Reserve, Auckland 


Anonymous said…
these are all beautiful Catherine! I love their 'bones and veins' and the colors you used.
glad you could get your other tubes of paint too.
I especially like the one you call "grungy."
and the steps down to the beach in that photo are beautiful! have a wonderful weekend! xoxo
Ann said…
How fun. I have a gelli plate. I used it for a while and then I guess the novelty wore off and I moved on to something else. They are a lot of fun to experiment with. You just never know what you're going to get.
tammy, thanks...quite a few people seem to resonate with "grungy". It's been a few years it seems (at least none of last year) since I went to the retreat place near to the beach...of course it has changed there, covid-19 but also the trust board changed the way it operates and most of the people I cared about have lost their jobs...or moved on when the changes didn't sit well with them.

Ann, I kinda know what I'm going to get...but I also like the surprises, particularly that I'll probably cut them up. The two with the Pink and Yellow outlines already cut in 1/2...
Susan Lenz said…
Love these leaves! Susan
Thanks Susan - I'm rather fond of taking a single leaf and using it...or taking a twig with a series of leaves on it. Our native Kowhai is a good example where the twig/branch is far bigger than the leaf but the flowers - well they are something more

I have a neighbours tree that likes my place better than theres, more sun...

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