Tuesdays' walk in the 'hood - brrrrrrr it cold today

 It's cold today because unseasonal weather has hit the South Island with snow dumps in places that don't usually do snow much at all!

So the chill wind from the South is up this far in the North...I walked a quite a clip today as I just didn't want to loiter too much BUT I had to get a few shots...

same fence, just a different view point of the wisteria and the tree blossom - on Hutchinson 

there's a hedge in there someplace but these small roses also there, just love the shiny leaves - on Seabrook.

And the leaves are returning this also on Seabrook, where the road and the foot path at this point separated with this long avenue of trees...

a house site as the crow flies directly from here, but one block of houses over in Hutchinson. Towards back L and a bit over, I'm sitting in my living room. 
And yes, that's one of the ways houses are insulated in New Zealand, big slabs of chilli bin polystyrene blocks. I think is going to be 5 houses on this block; similar to another one about 6 doors down.
The wire fence I'm behind is a temporary series of fences, that supposedly keep me from entering!



Ann said…
The wisteria is so pretty. I should get out for a walk in my neighborhood but I've gotten too lazy in my off time.
Anonymous said…
these are great pictures! it seems so strange always to me that you are entering Spring and we are in Fall. the way the world wags!
I sometimes enjoy watching construction.
unless it becomes too noisy and messy. :)
the way they insulate there is fascinating!
seems cleaner and easier to work with than ours.
Ann: at first on my walks, didn't walk far at all - sometimes only just basically around the corner and one block down. My suburb (or this part of it) is built like a grid - it's only been recently I traversed some of the other streets...
I've set aside a "time" that will be changed the summer, as it will the hottest part of the day but for now - I try to leave around 1pm and get back before school is out. It's a holiday break right now, so won't be colliding with kids

Tammy: yes Spring has sprung but as you can see it can "easily remind us that Winter was a few weeks ago!" I know someone who lived in one of those chilli bin houses (as they affectionally known) and when it came time to insert some new lights there was a slight outside layer of hard cement coating and then whammy in went the drill through the polystyrene. Now they don't use the chilli bin material for the whole house, rather just under floor insulation and then they use a "wrap for the walls" I'll keep on eye on it and add pictures as it evolves...

A block down a bit on same road used an interesting product for the roof - "tiles" that appeared to look like a carpet square with a tile pattern on and they attached it with a gun nail - I just happened to be walking by that day!

Seemed all wrong to me!!!
Rose said…
I love that wisteria! I always look forward to it in the spring.
Rose, me too...but until this year, I hadn't really walked around my 'hood...drove past in a bus or when out with someone in their car. Now I'm getting more aware of the greenery, the houses and even some of the other locals including at times their dogs!

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