Feeling better, in control...

I'm sorry I've not dropped into here...I've been randomly posting over at wordpress about things...

Finally, I got some of the current "lockdown" life under control and with that control, came a kind of peace. With occasional periods when things just didn't quite go to plan.

I've not created anything from start to finish OR sorted out any previous WIP to finished state. What  seems to be happening, I'm adding to WIP :-)

I can't seem to get my head around "let's get this done"!

this piece is in an online exhibition about not destroying our generations and please stay home.

idea for a flip up card, which I do right!

this is a flip out card, that I did wrong...but it's still okay.

 this is a bit further on than this...just deciding what else...current WIP

I've sorted out some beads for this!

this is just "laid down" haven't decided what to do...all paper

I've had to do a lot of other kitchen duties, that is where some has to create something edible for all day long at home!
It seems to strange that about a month ago, I was still buying my own food supplies and making seeming erratic choices - eating on the fly and all that guff.
And now, I've no choice but to remain at home, having other people select produce and then delivering it under contactless circumstances.
It's been interesting...and I've learnt that actually I'm capable of that thing called "cooking/baking etc!

Next week, NZ is coming down one Level of our Lock-down period.
There isn't a great deal of change, although some schools and some businesses
Will get the chance to re-open
But under strict social distancing and bubbles

How that will work is anyone's guess
But if it doesn't, we'll be promptly back to current Level

For me there is no change, as I'm actually designated in another lower level...

Getting used to it all, and yes keeping as safe as possible
Obeying the stringent rules
Was difficult, but got my head around it

Feeling better, in Control


CheerfulMonk said…
Good! Fingers crossed the PM strategy works.
CM: it IS good to feel this way...well MY WAY...and I don't think I will see much change at Level 3 for ME. I'll be plodding along on the same pathway...
Ann said…
Lots of nice things here. I haven't been able to get myself to do much of anything lately. Not in the crafting mood, the cleaning mood or the assorted home project mood.
Hope all goes well with the lifting of some of the lock down
Lots of lovely pieces you are working on, even if you are adding to your WIPs! I feel the same way at present, though at the end of such long days of work nothing creative is happening at all. Good luck with your country relaxing it's lockdown.
Anonymous said…
I never thought of myself as 'controlling' but as to my own life
I think I have been more of that than 'going with the flow!'
now in the last years of health related stuff that I've HAD to accept...
I seem to have found a certain happiness in just doing what I can WHEN I can.
some days are good. some days are not so good. finally learning to accept it.
I like your WIP! and think of all the fun to re~visit them when you're ready!
Rose said…
I look forward to seeing what the finished projects look like. I think all creators have a lot of WIPs....I sure do.
Ann: I think it maybe a world wide issue with those of who "make" a lot...whereas I've noted at various portals on-line people commenting that now they've home from work, they so much time to make things! And seem to be doing that...

Catherine: oh that's too bad you have "long days at work". I know that some people that are deemed essential workers have found themselves working longer hours than normal. Or they doing extra work due to customer demand or because someone else is unable to work. Here if you've over 70 with or without underlying issues, you are required to be at home. I know that one of the local supermarkets there are a few in that category...they just love working in the normal period" now they've home.

tammy j: I suppose it's not truly "controlling" but in a way it's not "going with the flow"... particularly to do with my lack of choice of which "pear, packet of sausages, brand of whatever" is selected for me, OR when I did see TP it wasn't the brand I normally buy, turns out it's okay, though. Some of this whole shebang has become a "mystery" ...when you look at w/p post today you will no doubt see "some moments haven't exactly been great"

I've run out of room in the WIP basket, how things are piling on shelves and now on the back of this table! I really should stop and get some sorted out!!!
Rose: sorry I didn't see you come in when I was replying...

The WIP never seemed to ummm "worry me" as they were often just waiting for something else...or they were not from the point of view, of Mon, Tues, yesterday and probably today. Piling too fast :-)

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