Dabbling 'n Playing...

I'm kind of taking a break from making anything in particular.

Some of the play as been sheer play - whilst other time was about "what if I did this to that..."

Over the last 10days I've not really made anything - although 2 things are at the stage of "could be finished"

apologies about laptop background. This is black visual arts paper with some randomly painted other paper which I machine stitched down then added some lines with gold pen (A4)

This is version 2, if  you know where else I post you will see that version 1 was okay if I had actually wanted to keep background white...but I didn't like the effect. 
Here I painted the background first then made these paper objects...
"Secret of Fish" approx size A3 (cropped it a bit...)

Then yesterday I wanted to paint some paper to go with a large sheet of coffee dyed paper....and I wanted them to be a darker brown. I hadn't expected the finished paper to look like it was "wood". Current these are not attached...as I felt I needed more "wood" which is drying in the wet-room...

It might not look like background is coffee dyed but it is...however not really sploochy as I spread with paint brush the coffee

I semi-dabbled with lots of other things, including something most of you never really saw before, but I had started creating the object/vessels back in probably 2017 when doing Honours but like certain things then, not completed. They need more stuff on them and then I undercoated them - but when I went to use black gloss spray paint it was empty. I think I will spray first black coat on them over the weekend. 
I've decided to consider their lids, may just leave them plain or add some more "stuff to them"...

I intend to continue playing around especially since part of the sale money from the Leaves and Tree book was used to buy some new paint brushes - I can't decide where the wider original brushes went to...

Until next time...


Rose said…
At least you are playing...and things are looking good!
Rose: totally and enjoying the process...
Ann said…
Play like that is the best kind.
Anonymous said…
I think some of your best 'results' come from your playing days!
happy creative accidents? :D xo
Anne and tammy_j - yes definitely has been a great idea...I'm now considering making another mini art book. This time with the "pseudo wood grain" paper. I already found a suitable notebook for that to happen. Strolled through some photos of wood (taken on outings) which I think will work well. A book of "wood" :-)

I must remember to regularly take some "play time..."

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