The little book of trees and leaves - complete

Just going to provide you with a few pages of how the story unfolds - the front cover with it's tie and inside the back cover. I changed some of the wording around, some got left out, and some moved pages...
(apologies about base of this posting, I cut and paste from the word document, and it refused to change to suit here...)
I believe it's done!

Fabric cover. 
This fabric is hand dyed by someone else, I think they use a type of salt to get that movement.
I was going to use a different tie but it turned out to be too bulky.

Words on this page
L: Can you image his huge green leaf, like a plate
Floating oasis, protecting what lies behind.
R: Leaves provide the growing protection of these
magic blooms - once a year - December.

L: Deep in the forest, tall and semi old trees,
leaves far above ... unseen
R: On the ground, that odd grouping

L: Back among the precision gardener,
leaves await colour.
R: And just to be sure, more for colouring in.

Inside back page
a card that is slotted into this see through pocket 

A little book about trees and leaves, with an emphasis on leaves. Originally this was a plain paged note book for you to write in, but I then decided a tiny story with pictures and some words was a better way for you to enjoy flipping through it. I created all the pictures, and of course the words.

Created 2020, all rights reserved, permission for reproducing any part, contact me at 



Rose said…
It's beautiful! I could not read the words in the previous post, but could read them in the photos here!
Rose: I knew there was a problem with the words, but I'm not terribly good at computer aspects...but in fact it didn't really matter, as I chopped up the words, and then at times, deleted them from where I thought they would reside. It's a semi-abstract kind of story, it probably really makes no sense. But this is my first try at this kind of idea...
Susan Lenz said…
Lovely book and beautiful topic. Thanks for reading along on my art residency journey ... where today, all the trees got covered with snow! Coming from South Carolina, it is a marvelous sight to see, quite inspirational!
Susan: thanks for coming by. I don't live near the snow, at all in the northern half of the North Island of New Zealand AND of course it's not winter at all here in the Southern Hemisphere - full on summer, although it's not so hot today as it has been, a nice breeze coming indoors...
Anne L said…
You deserve to be very proud of this book, Catherine. It looks amazing, and I can imagine how it must feel ~ chunky and tactile and every page a delight.
Anne L: Yep, proud-as. And realise that I can make more as much as I like...still deciding on next one. As I said to another friend recently "I'm never short of ideas" and when I was on a tidy up early last week (read: looking for something!) I got a little queue - queued...
Ann said…
It turned out fabulous. I love the fabric on the cover.
Anonymous said…
oh my goodness! it's just beautiful Catherine.
and to be able to hold it now knowing it's 'finished!'
well done! XO
Ann: the fabric is fabulous - I've a bit more left of it, I think it will come in handy...

RR: thanks, it's great to have in the last 2 days, completed "not one but two" books

tammyj: week, I will take them both to show Richard at the Art Store, and then my network at the arcade. I'm looking forward to showing Tracy the middle of the 2nd signature of the Autumn Grunge book one of her fabrics from her store that I printed onto paper :-)

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