My form of "sketching"

Autumnal Tones "sketch" of how something might look...much to do!

The background cloth, picked up at op-shop, a promotional type table runner with 75% of it in the right autumnal tones, which seem to fit what I had semi-intended to do.

Across the bottom will be a heap of "leaves" which I'm in the process of knitting...the "tree" I would love to be actually constructed of wood but because this might cause customs (this may be going to a group show overseas) to declare "confiscatable" it will be constructed with other mediums...the "sky" at this moment is just a blue plastic folder but again it covers a print of something I don't want...

I think the tree will be constructed of paper, cloth and of course overstitching, I want it to look "character-full". The leaves will have additional other embellishments and currently the end threads are still attached...possibly some will stay to represent twigs.

I'm not very good at drawing - as most of you know, so to layout "suggested drawing" is pretty darn good for me...


CheerfulMonk said…
That's a great idea. Remember Matisse's cutouts when he was too old and ill to paint. Some of his best work. Hurray for creativity!
Ann said…
I love this. What a fun and creative way to sketch
Very innovative. All the best.
My drawing with pencil on paper is dreadful...the tree will be different as I've now downloaded a vastly different shaped tree...

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