Mindless Stitching....

1st lay out, not stitched 

1st layout, not stitched with maybe a cover

Partially secured to the backing, with additional stitching with various coloured embroidery threads and one bright and shiny something

It has now joined the "New Pile" with a topping...

Decided that the "pile" should be the key focus; trying not to waste too much but of course cutting things out, create waste. Now also decided that if need be, go find something suitable to use with whatever.

But that won't necessarily look it, from your point of view :-) 

Hope your weekend is wonderful


Ann said…
A very nice layout. Looks like a fun process
Very creative Catherine.
yes, just having fun...

and it's a good way.

love your work outfit from the other day...you look really cool and in charge :-)
loving to do something like this again...particularly having to use a dedicated "pile" of stuff.

some quite small, whilst others quite big pieces...
I needed to take some "thing" to do today at a creative fibre event - and took some of the grey handwoven wool squares, and mindless stitched them...not completed enough to enter the "new Pile" yet, so tomorrow they will be focus in that.

But also I'm partially into the pile which related to turning the fabric into digital paper prints...so maybe "books" are nearing - coming back :-)
Anonymous said…
they always look amazingly wonderful to me.
I found myself thinking "how in the world do you stitch those by hand?!!!"
my hand shakes now so badly I fear I would constantly be drawing blood!
and with the blood thinner I have to take... I just think it would be a mess!
now... turning it back into digital paper prints... that's fascinating too. xoxo
oh there are periods, where the "needle v drawing blood" are totally not to be had...

I try to sort out needle size to the thread and what I'm doing...short needles means I have to do things kind-of individually...

A couple of times, the scissors have got me!

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