Un-Expected but Exciting: Result

At the moment, I'm working on a PINK flavoured book - and it's now at the stage of must have some "pink" paper...so instead of racing out and spending money, I've been lightly painting over paper...

Then at some point I thought I could do with some more "pink" ephemera that could be journaling cards or similar. So an idea that worked once long ago, I thought might work (I know what I did wrong now...but). It didn't work but whilst the "Rolodex cards" were still wet, I decided to see what would happen if...

I dripped some drops of a rather nice pink/purple acrylic ink onto them...wow the effect was gorgeous!

So rushed away and grabbed some alcohol inks - which have basically lost their colour labels...

3 cards are brighter than the rest, they are the "dripped on"

the rest, I either dabbed over, or laid on briefly - the still very wet cards (they aren't dry in this shot)

And that's wen UN-EXPECTED happened...

They aren't pink but that's okay, I have a huge quantity of the cards, and there is always tomorrow to paint some more PINK cards!

And I feel there is a RUSTY journal coming on...in the QUEUE of course!


Ann said…
The process of experimenting always brings on exciting results. These are wonderful and each one has it's own unique look
I'm happy and today painted some more "pink" but then decided some needed some assistance with the "dripper"...

waiting for paint to dry!

but also now assembling some page the pages from the other larger painted of yesterday...
Anonymous said…
so many wonderful happy accidents!
and part of the quote I like... " X happens when we're making other plans! "
definitely that is occuring more and more here...

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