Collecting creative ideas

Finding it difficult to use either blog this time...loading seems part of the problem.

I'm taking photos, that inspire me in my creative endeavors. Much of landscape in Rotorua is based in thermal activity, so colour is a big factor.

But also the city council has beautiful small garden beds all over the place so there are pockets of colour...


Gosh got it to load! Now I need to master, the other part, photos...
Ann said…
My creative ideas are all collected on Pinterest. I have way too many there and I think that causes problems sometimes because I want to make it all but don't know where to start
Thanks for that idea. I find Pinterest a bit time wasting :-) but it's fun when you can hone it in...
CheerfulMonk said…
One phrase I like for myself is, "Exploring, collecting, choosing, and creating." It sounds as if you're having a good time exploring and collecting. We appreciate you sharing you experiences with us and are looking forward to seeing what you choose to use and what you create. Thanks, Catherine.
Anonymous said…
the BEST part is that you're enjoying yourself.
I've worried that you've felt you have to take us along each day.
and if you're having techno difficulties … that could be stressful.
there is time when you get back home to re-cap the parts you want to!
in the meantime... have FUN!
love and hugs from here.
be safe.
Yes, that does seem the idea. To date nothing evolving even though I have tools for it.
I was so sure that yesterday, I would!
Some aspects work on techie stuff...some of course are my silly hands, that press wrong keys!

The place I'm in tonight is so not me...a bit of a nightmare for my wbbly hands...makes me realise that possibly 1930s decor would never had suited me...but it's an experience, I wasn't expecting

All good for new experiences

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