New Series: "Repair"

This is definitely a change of pace for me!

As I looked at the thoughtful words that Jean suggested, I thought "yes creative discontent is certainly something to consider".

Then the additional conversation that the prescription nurse and I talked about last week, got me thinking some more.

What if I tried to address some of the feelings that started last year in September and then this February was washed away by the medical profession - computerised letter, "we are sorry we made a mistake". Whilst, I did endeavour to deal with it with a month away drifting, when I returned home - I was still at odds.

Mixed media on small advert card
Layers of other cut outs and words
Bottom wording:
BAD with semi destroyed Joy, Peace, Hope with additional ?mark and zeros

Mixed Media
the brown bark is Tapa cloth with fragile & torn tissue on top
with "semi cross stitching"
Layered on various cards

Mixed Media
Tapa cloth strips with more cross stitching

this attached to A4 soft & shiny card

Mixed Media
Medical gauze ripped and attached to black card
with a feeling of blackness on the bright white pathway


At this point nothing has a title - some of it of course has meaning, some more than others...

These are small works about the size of 1/2 x A4 sheet

Created by Catherine:theMaker


Ann said…
Each one is so unique and creative.
thanks...going to continue to create "repair" - just downloaded a freebie print that speaks to me of medical stuff in olden days...the print is of ?Victorian woman dressed to the nines, and with some old vintage "strange medical" adverts, I think it will do very nicely - with some x-stitches as well...
but probably not today...drained but happy from the above efforts...
CheerfulMonk said…
"...drained but happy...." Good for you! Way to go!
definetly freeing and happier - even if it will be a zillion little pieces...and with little pieces you can try out a variety of ideas...some of which may of course get rejigged. But the pieces above, are a starting point towards "repair"

I realised that all I have kept saying is "I don't know what to do...???" "how should I go forward..." will help find that pathway - at this point n/a
These are quite unlike anything else that you have shown us. Very innovative and interesting too.
Indeed...and maybe it will lead me, somewhere - new, raw and unexplored. I think I may have become a type of split-artist-personality whereby the dark and the light are almost separate entities.
Anonymous said…
I think they truly ARE separate entities! it's fascinating too.
as when one becomes the 'norm' for awhile and it all seems just right.
then the other moves in and is happy to take up your imaginings.
one thing is always certain. you and your art are NEVER boring!
thank you for taking us along for the ride! XOXO
yep - there is definitely at thiss moment in time a "split" but time will tell if that remains. Today I'm sorting out "light/dark" including vintage which is semi in both fields...

I had realised I was going to take such a ride, last night was a sleepless one. I finally turned on the light and put some notes down...interesting what a mind observes in the night..

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