Last of the Large "Pink"
Of course it's possible I will find more!
(taken with phone, as camera battery needed charging)
Left x 2 pieces. These are from the cover that suffered a huge injury when someone cut one of the edges too short. And today, after much debating, I cut them in half.
Bottom left is attached to a backing card
Top Left is not attached but it has had "plasters" and stitches added. It too will get on a backing card
Then there are both going to be somewhat different - more when I have that done...
Right: this is the last of the large piece of "pink" left (there are scraps). Yesterday, I stitched at Queens Arcade group the right side felt pieces (old sample colours from a now defunct company) and today found another set of colours for the left.
A little undecided on what type of book this will be, thinking it might be better as a kind of wallet book...
On other matters of "where next?"
I think that the pretty pink pills I have to readjust my asthmatic lungs back on deck
Are causing me less anguish
Yes I do need to redefine a few things
But the universe has said "this too will happen"
Meantime, making with things
Oops also went through some more cupboards today....
Does one person need 3 teapots!
Glad the pretty pink pills are helping.
Thanks for helping me understand...
I have always wondered if it's a direct connection with something
dear to us... or a favorite memory perhaps? do you feel that?
like when you SEE it you're immediately drawn into its pull!
do artists see color that way? it's very interesting.
and I hope the little pink pills work in making you feel better!!! XO
I've never been much of a dim/soft person - always wanting to clash/colours/dash/brights...
And yes there will be colour, the first one has some very bright yellow as one of the background layers. But the message in the mixed media art work moves it quite a distance away...