A Tale of a Book...

I've posted that this was the "next book" off the block and the geometric "F" had basically started out relating to "fitness"

But what you don't know it was never that to start with!

This was going to be an "altered book" - I torn out the pages I didn't want, and I had begun the process of gluing pages together...WHEN I discovered that was going to turn to custard because the pages were too smooth/shiny. So I tore it all out and said to myself "this make a fine gutted book base"

I found the material and glued it onto the cover. I reinforced the loose spine inside...and felt I was ready to go BUT after I put some soft black cloth over the inside front/back covers - that went startling "wrong"...

So tore out that cloth and decided that the problem lay with the semi-soft book cover - not quite hardback and not softback, SO I added some cardboard and it did seem better. The spine was still in jeopardy but I thought, "I can wing this..."

Somehow in the middle of this I thought the geometric "F" wasn't really going to work so I decided this "black and white book with a dash of colour" related to "fashion" and I found a dress pattern cover picture that would fix things!

 Now all I had to do was sew in the already made "signatures" BUT something went wrong today AND although I tried to fix it - it JUST wouldn't "fix"

So I have ended up taking it all apart, the ladies above can still be part of something...but not this particular book!

And signatures have become notebooks for now...with black covers to which I will adorn them, and put interesting extras inside...



Ann said…
Oh I hate when a plan doesn't go together like I thought it would. Good for you though to keep trying. I ten to give up and move on to something else when things like that happen
oh, me too... but not it seems of late!

I think I have worked out a solution to at least the original cover...and maybe even use the created signatures that have become a "pair of black notebooks"

so I'm fiddling around with a different sort of covering - that actually will take me a lot more time to achieve...so maybe I should tackle the "pink" book and leave this one on the back burner....
CheerfulMonk said…
Sometimes the best approach is to think about it and try things for a while, then set it aside for a bit so our subconscious minds can work on it in the background. That's sometimes an important part of the process. Good for you and good luck!
definitely that is how the "pink" book got onto the back burner...but on Friday some "paper" came my way that I think will look good with it...I photocopied the very large page onto paper...it's a marbled looking mauve/white/slightly deeeper purple colouring....and I do have some other papers...

but today, not done much other than ponder and sample an idea for the "black F book"
Thanks for sharing this process with us! It's wonderful, though you had many hiccups, you were able to adapt and move on. Some lessons for us all!

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