Collage: Ghosts of the Miners (Gold that is)

Based on the gold mining history that relates to Arrowtown, South Island, New Zealand

layers of brochure pictures cut up - although that is not how it started! Threads and fabric added to represent the earth and autumn tones (that were only just appearing in the township)

wanted to make it appear ghostly, but on the road (art-wise) could find nothing to suit, so on return home, immediately found that old dress pattern tissue worked well. Added the tiny squares of writing to represent "letters sent home to families that the gold is somewhere close, I know I'm going to find the vein..." - added 3 gold lines, one of my favourite numbers.

layered the collage onto a hard board with layers of dress pattern tissue and finally dry painted gold paint on...

oops forget the beads, represent gold found by some miners...


Ann Thompson said…
You are really good at these
thanks...when you mind is kind of blank - i.e. not worrying about house hold needs and you've enjoying your adventure, it all seems to come together well...and even now I'm home, finishing them - still not many worries, other than "must get these done" :-)

they aren't big which does help...
CheerfulMonk said…
Claerly your trip was great for your art as well as for you!
it was indeed but now I want to get back down there, even though a light dusting of snow was forecast for tomorrow ... I'm curious to see if I could take the real wintry cold
Anonymous said…
wow! beautiful. I love the different meanings of this collage.
it's very moving. capturing pieces of history in a particular time.
can you just imagine the stories behind all that? well done!
and you know how I like your naming the piece! how odd
from one who normally doesn't like labels about anything xo
thanks, this is piece seems to have taken hold of my viewers, in a way I wasn't even though it's not much bigger than a sheet of photocopy paper, I seem to have somehow tapped into the "miners"

here's hoping that one of the forthcoming pieces holds that notion - especially since it's made with one type of item and relates to something in the same colouring but quite lips are sealed.

going out to the Queens Arcade group today, so probably won't get it underway properly other than the main character which is 90% done...

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