My take on contemporary Cubism

February 11th and this is possibly complete!

Commercial deep purple woven woollen fabric - with simplistic running stitch in stranded embroidery thread.

The shapes were created from a variety of implements not related to art making, outlines chalked and then of course stitched.

It has no title at this point, it's only basically hanging here (read: need to make it proper) and it may not be complete. And the finished angle, might not be this "way up". But it will rest for a few days.


Ann said…
I like it. The stitching looks perfect
Anonymous said…
oh Catherine... I DO LIKE!
oddly it took me awhile to appreciate cubism.
but it's so clean and simple.
balanced and futuristic with usually gorgeous colors.
and very often colors combined that you wouldn't expect.
it's a favorite of mine now. and this one is beautiful.
but then the thought just dawned on me too how much I like
well that's great to know, when I have looked at it from time to time, I see inperfect stitching - which is what us arty makers always see - never the wider viewers stance...
yep, it was great to do .... if you rotate it so those 3 smaller circles are at the base and to the right of the mid line - you might see what Maggie saw "abstract pram"

you see the piece is not yet in "hanging mode"
I think my next work will be a little different, more relating to the inspirational picture I have of more colour inserts...

see above on reply to CM
will make a post of it "rotated" so you can see the "pram"

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